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home > uruguay

uruguay informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities uruguay informations map weather road map

uruguay flag

country uruguay flag
uruguay flag

informations about uruguay

uruguay capital : montevideo
uruguay languages : spanish
uruguay currency : uruguayan peso UYU

uruguay area : 176 220 km2
uruguay population : 3 478 000

uruguay iso code alpha 2 : UY
uruguay iso code alpha 3 : URY

how to call uruguay

call to uruguay with the international phone country code 598

uruguay map

country uruguay map

uruguay cities

country uruguay cities

informations map city AGUAS-CORRIENTESAGUAS-CORRIENTES weather

informations map city ARAPEYARAPEY weather

informations map city ARTIGASARTIGAS weather

informations map city ATLANTIDAATLANTIDA weather

informations map city BALNEARIO-SOLISBALNEARIO-SOLIS weather

informations map city BARRA-DE-CARRASCOBARRA-DE-CARRASCO weather

informations map city BATLLE-Y-ORDONEZBATLLE-Y-ORDONEZ weather

informations map city BELLA-UNIONBELLA-UNION weather

informations map city BUCEOBUCEO weather

informations map city CANELONESCANELONES weather

informations map city CAP-JUAN-A-ARTIGASCAP-JUAN-A-ARTIGAS weather

informations map city CAPURROCAPURRO weather

informations map city CARDONACARDONA weather

informations map city CARMELOCARMELO weather

informations map city CARRASCOCARRASCO weather

informations map city CASTILLOSCASTILLOS weather

informations map city CASUPACASUPA weather

informations map city CENTROCENTRO weather

informations map city CERRILLOSCERRILLOS weather

informations map city CERRO-BATOVICERRO-BATOVI weather

informations map city CERRO-CHATOCERRO-CHATO weather

informations map city CHUYCHUY weather


informations map city CIUDAD-DE-SAN-JOSECIUDAD-DE-SAN-JOSE weather

informations map city COLONCOLON weather

informations map city COLONIACOLONIA weather


informations map city COLONIA-MIGUELETECOLONIA-MIGUELETE weather

informations map city COLONIA-NICOLICHCOLONIA-NICOLICH weather



informations map city COLONIA-VALDENSECOLONIA-VALDENSE weather

informations map city CORDONCORDON weather

informations map city DOLORESDOLORES weather

informations map city DURAZNODURAZNO weather

informations map city ECILDA-PAULLIERECILDA-PAULLIER weather

informations map city EMPALME-OLMOSEMPALME-OLMOS weather

informations map city FLOR-DE-MARONASFLOR-DE-MARONAS weather

informations map city FLORENCIO-SANCHEZFLORENCIO-SANCHEZ weather

informations map city FLORESTAFLORESTA weather

informations map city FLORIDAFLORIDA weather

informations map city FRAILE-MUERTOFRAILE-MUERTO weather

informations map city FRAY-BENTOSFRAY-BENTOS weather

informations map city FRAY-MARCOSFRAY-MARCOS weather

informations map city GONIGONI weather

informations map city GREGORIO-AZNAREZGREGORIO-AZNAREZ weather

informations map city GUICHONGUICHON weather

informations map city JOAQUIN-SUAREZJOAQUIN-SUAREZ weather

informations map city JOSE-BATLLE-Y-ORDONEZJOSE-BATLLE-Y-ORDONEZ weather

informations map city JOSE-ENRIQUE-RODOJOSE-ENRIQUE-RODO weather

informations map city JOSE-IGNACIOJOSE-IGNACIO weather

informations map city JUAN-LACAZEJUAN-LACAZE weather

informations map city LA-BARRALA-BARRA weather

informations map city LA-ESTANZUELALA-ESTANZUELA weather

informations map city LA-FLORESTALA-FLORESTA weather

informations map city LA-PALOMALA-PALOMA weather

informations map city LA-PAZLA-PAZ weather

informations map city LAS-FLORESLAS-FLORES weather

informations map city LAS-PIEDRASLAS-PIEDRAS weather

informations map city LAS-TOSCASLAS-TOSCAS weather

informations map city LASCANOLASCANO weather

informations map city LAURELESLAURELES weather

informations map city LAVADEROS-DEL-ESTELAVADEROS-DEL-ESTE weather

informations map city LAVALLEJALAVALLEJA weather

informations map city LIBERTADLIBERTAD weather

informations map city LOS-CERRILLOSLOS-CERRILLOS weather

informations map city MALDONADOMALDONADO weather

informations map city MANGAMANGA weather

informations map city MARTIN-CHICOMARTIN-CHICO weather

informations map city MELOMELO weather

informations map city MENDOZAMENDOZA weather

informations map city MENDOZA-CHICOMENDOZA-CHICO weather

informations map city MERCEDESMERCEDES weather

informations map city MIGUESMIGUES weather

informations map city MINASMINAS weather

informations map city MONTESMONTES weather

informations map city MONTEVIDEOMONTEVIDEO weather

informations map city NUEVA-HELVECIANUEVA-HELVECIA weather

informations map city NUEVA-PALMIRANUEVA-PALMIRA weather

informations map city NUEVO-BERLINNUEVO-BERLIN weather

informations map city NUEVO-PARISNUEVO-PARIS weather

informations map city OLMOSOLMOS weather

informations map city PALMITASPALMITAS weather

informations map city PAN-DE-AZUCARPAN-DE-AZUCAR weather

informations map city PANDOPANDO weather

informations map city PASO-DE-CARRASCOPASO-DE-CARRASCO weather

informations map city PASO-DE-LOS-TOROSPASO-DE-LOS-TOROS weather

informations map city PASO-MOLINOPASO-MOLINO weather

informations map city PAYSANDUPAYSANDU weather

informations map city PIEDRA-DEL-TOROPIEDRA-DEL-TORO weather

informations map city PIEDRAS-BLANCASPIEDRAS-BLANCAS weather

informations map city PIRIAPOLISPIRIAPOLIS weather

informations map city POBLADO-LAURELESPOBLADO-LAURELES weather

informations map city POCITOSPOCITOS weather

informations map city PROGRESOPROGRESO weather

informations map city PUEBLO-NUEVOPUEBLO-NUEVO weather

informations map city PUNTA-CARRETASPUNTA-CARRETAS weather

informations map city PUNTA-DEL-ESTEPUNTA-DEL-ESTE weather

informations map city QUEBRACHOQUEBRACHO weather

informations map city RAFAEL-PERAZZARAFAEL-PERAZZA weather

informations map city RIO-BRANCORIO-BRANCO weather

informations map city RIO-NEGRORIO-NEGRO weather

informations map city RIVERARIVERA weather

informations map city ROCHAROCHA weather

informations map city RODORODO weather

informations map city ROSARIOROSARIO weather

informations map city SALTOSALTO weather

informations map city SAN-ANTONIOSAN-ANTONIO weather

informations map city SAN-BAUTISTASAN-BAUTISTA weather

informations map city SAN-CARLOSSAN-CARLOS weather


informations map city SAN-JACINTOSAN-JACINTO weather

informations map city SAN-JAVIERSAN-JAVIER weather

informations map city SAN-JOSESAN-JOSE weather

informations map city SAN-JOSE-DE-MAYOSAN-JOSE-DE-MAYO weather

informations map city SAN-RAMONSAN-RAMON weather

informations map city SANTA-LUCIASANTA-LUCIA weather

informations map city SARANDI-DEL-YISARANDI-DEL-YI weather

informations map city SARANDI-GRANDESARANDI-GRANDE weather

informations map city SAUCESAUCE weather

informations map city SAYAGOSAYAGO weather

informations map city SOCASOCA weather

informations map city SOLISSOLIS weather

informations map city SOLIS-DE-MATAOJOSOLIS-DE-MATAOJO weather

informations map city SORIANOSORIANO weather

informations map city SUAREZSUAREZ weather

informations map city TACUAREMBOTACUAREMBO weather

informations map city TALATALA weather

informations map city TARARIRASTARARIRAS weather

informations map city TERMAS-DEL-ARAPEYTERMAS-DEL-ARAPEY weather

informations map city TOLEDOTOLEDO weather

informations map city TRANQUERASTRANQUERAS weather

informations map city TREINTA-Y-TRESTREINTA-Y-TRES weather

informations map city TRES-BOCASTRES-BOCAS weather

informations map city TRINIDADTRINIDAD weather

informations map city UNIONUNION weather

informations map city VALDENSEVALDENSE weather

informations map city VAZQUEZVAZQUEZ weather

informations map city VILLA-DEL-CERROVILLA-DEL-CERRO weather

informations map city VILLA-GARCIAVILLA-GARCIA weather

informations map city YOUNGYOUNG weather

informations map city ZAPICANZAPICAN weather

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