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home > tajikistan

tajikistan informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities tajikistan informations map weather road map

tajikistan flag

country tajikistan flag
tajikistan flag

informations about tajikistan

tajikistan capital : dushanbe
tajikistan languages : tajik , russian
tajikistan currency : somoni TJS

tajikistan area : 143 100 km2
tajikistan population : 8 161 000

tajikistan iso code alpha 2 : TJ
tajikistan iso code alpha 3 : TJK

how to call tajikistan

call to tajikistan with the international phone country code 992

tajikistan map

country tajikistan map

tajikistan cities

country tajikistan cities

informations map city CHKALOVSKCHKALOVSK weather

informations map city DANGARADANGARA weather

informations map city DUSHAMBEDUSHAMBE weather

informations map city DUSHANBEDUSHANBE weather

informations map city DUSTIDUSTI weather

informations map city GAFUROVGAFUROV weather

informations map city GISSARGISSAR weather

informations map city HISORHISOR weather

informations map city HODJENTHODJENT weather

informations map city ISFARAISFARA weather

informations map city ISPECHAKISPECHAK weather

informations map city KANIBADAMKANIBADAM weather

informations map city KAYRAKKUMKAYRAKKUM weather

informations map city KHOROGKHOROG weather

informations map city KHORUGHKHORUGH weather

informations map city KHUJANDKHUJAND weather

informations map city KONIBODOMKONIBODOM weather

informations map city KULOBKULOB weather

informations map city KURGAN-TYUBEKURGAN-TYUBE weather

informations map city LENINLENIN weather

informations map city NUREKNUREK weather

informations map city PANJAKENTPANJAKENT weather

informations map city REGARREGAR weather

informations map city ROGUNROGUN weather

informations map city ROMITROMIT weather

informations map city RUDAKIRUDAKI weather

informations map city SHAHRINAVSHAHRINAV weather

informations map city TADZHIKISTANTADZHIKISTAN weather

informations map city TURSUNZADETURSUNZADE weather

informations map city TURSUNZODATURSUNZODA weather

informations map city UROTEPPAUROTEPPA weather

informations map city YAVANYAVAN weather

informations map city YOVONYOVON weather

home > tajikistan


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