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home > seychelles

seychelles informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities seychelles informations map weather road map

seychelles flag

country seychelles flag
seychelles flag

informations about seychelles

seychelles capital : victoria
seychelles languages : french , english , seychellois creole
seychelles currency : seychellois rupee SCR

seychelles area : 455 km2
seychelles population : 92 000

seychelles iso code alpha 2 : SC
seychelles iso code alpha 3 : SYC

how to call seychelles

call to seychelles with the international phone country code 248

seychelles map

country seychelles map

seychelles cities

country seychelles cities

informations map city ANSE-BOILEAUANSE-BOILEAU weather

informations map city ANSE-ROYALEANSE-ROYALE weather

informations map city BEAU-VALLONBEAU-VALLON weather

informations map city BEL-OMBREBEL-OMBRE weather

informations map city LA-MISERELA-MISERE weather

informations map city MAHEMAHE weather

informations map city TAKAMAKATAKAMAKA weather

informations map city VICTORIAVICTORIA weather

home > seychelles


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