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home > mauritius

mauritius informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities mauritius informations map weather road map

mauritius flag

country mauritius flag
mauritius flag

informations about mauritius

mauritius capital : port louis
mauritius languages : english , french
mauritius currency : mauritian rupee MUR

mauritius area : 2 040 km2
mauritius population : 1 260 000

mauritius iso code alpha 2 : MU
mauritius iso code alpha 3 : MUS

how to call mauritius

call to mauritius with the international phone country code 230

mauritius map

country mauritius map

mauritius cities

country mauritius cities

informations map city ALBIONALBION weather

informations map city ALMAALMA weather

informations map city AMAURYAMAURY weather

informations map city AMITIEAMITIE weather

informations map city ARGYARGY weather

informations map city ARSENALARSENAL weather

informations map city BAGATELLEBAGATELLE weather

informations map city BAIE-DU-CAPBAIE-DU-CAP weather

informations map city BAIE-DU-TOMBEAUBAIE-DU-TOMBEAU weather

informations map city BAMBOUSBAMBOUS weather

informations map city BANANESBANANES weather

informations map city BARACHOISBARACHOIS weather

informations map city BARKLYBARKLY weather

informations map city BARLOWBARLOW weather

informations map city BATIMARAISBATIMARAIS weather

informations map city BEAU-BASSINBEAU-BASSIN weather

informations map city BEAU-CHAMPBEAU-CHAMP weather

informations map city BEAU-PLANBEAU-PLAN weather

informations map city BEAU-SEJOURBEAU-SEJOUR weather

informations map city BEAU-VALLONBEAU-VALLON weather

informations map city BEAUX-SONGESBEAUX-SONGES weather

informations map city BEL-AIRBEL-AIR weather

informations map city BEL-OMBREBEL-OMBRE weather

informations map city BELL-VILLAGEBELL-VILLAGE weather

informations map city BELLE-ETOILEBELLE-ETOILE weather

informations map city BELLE-MAREBELLE-MARE weather

informations map city BELLE-ROSEBELLE-ROSE weather

informations map city BELLE-VUEBELLE-VUE weather

informations map city BELLE-VUE-MAURELBELLE-VUE-MAUREL weather

informations map city BELLE-VUEBELLE-VUE weather

informations map city BELVEDEREBELVEDERE weather

informations map city BENARESBENARES weather

informations map city BLACK-RIVERBLACK-RIVER weather

informations map city BOIS-CHERIBOIS-CHERI weather

informations map city BOIS-DES-AMOURETTESBOIS-DES-AMOURETTES weather

informations map city BOIS-PIGNOLETBOIS-PIGNOLET weather

informations map city BON-ACCUEILBON-ACCUEIL weather

informations map city BONNE-TERREBONNE-TERRE weather

informations map city BRAMSTHANBRAMSTHAN weather

informations map city BRISEE-VERDIEREBRISEE-VERDIERE weather

informations map city CALEBASSESCALEBASSES weather

informations map city CAMP-AUGUSTECAMP-AUGUSTE weather

informations map city CAMP-CAVALCAMP-CAVAL weather

informations map city CAMP-DE-MASQUECAMP-DE-MASQUE weather

informations map city CAMP-DE-MASQUE-PAVECAMP-DE-MASQUE-PAVE weather

informations map city CAMP-DIABLECAMP-DIABLE weather

informations map city CAMP-FOUQUEREAUXCAMP-FOUQUEREAUX weather

informations map city CAMP-GARREAUCAMP-GARREAU weather

informations map city CAMP-THORELCAMP-THOREL weather

informations map city CANDOSCANDOS weather

informations map city CAP-MALHEUREUXCAP-MALHEUREUX weather

informations map city CASCAVELLECASCAVELLE weather

informations map city CASSISCASSIS weather

informations map city CENTRE-DE-FLACQCENTRE-DE-FLACQ weather

informations map city CHAMARELCHAMAREL weather

informations map city CHAMOUNYCHAMOUNY weather

informations map city CHEBELCHEBEL weather

informations map city CHEMIN-GRENIERCHEMIN-GRENIER weather

informations map city CHOISYCHOISY weather

informations map city CIRCONSTANCECIRCONSTANCE weather

informations map city CITE-LA-CURECITE-LA-CURE weather

informations map city CITRONELLECITRONELLE weather

informations map city CLEMENCIACLEMENCIA weather

informations map city CLUNYCLUNY weather

informations map city CONGOMAHCONGOMAH weather

informations map city COROMANDELCOROMANDEL weather

informations map city COTTAGECOTTAGE weather

informations map city CREVE-COEURCREVE-COEUR weather

informations map city CUREPIPECUREPIPE weather

informations map city DAGOTIEREDAGOTIERE weather

informations map city D-EPINAYD-EPINAY weather

informations map city DUBREUILDUBREUIL weather

informations map city EBENEEBENE weather

informations map city ECROIGNARDECROIGNARD weather

informations map city ENGRAIS-MARTIALENGRAIS-MARTIAL weather

informations map city ESCALIERESCALIER weather

informations map city ESPERANCEESPERANCE weather


informations map city ETOILEETOILE weather

informations map city FLACQFLACQ weather

informations map city FLIC-EN-FLACFLIC-EN-FLAC weather

informations map city FLOREALFLOREAL weather

informations map city FOND-DU-SACFOND-DU-SAC weather

informations map city FOREST-SIDEFOREST-SIDE weather

informations map city GLEN-PARKGLEN-PARK weather

informations map city GOODLANDSGOODLANDS weather

informations map city GRAND-BAIEGRAND-BAIE weather

informations map city GRAND-BEL-AIRGRAND-BEL-AIR weather

informations map city GRAND-BOISGRAND-BOIS weather

informations map city GRAND-GAUBEGRAND-GAUBE weather


informations map city GROS-CAILLOUXGROS-CAILLOUX weather

informations map city HELVETIAHELVETIA weather

informations map city HENRIETTAHENRIETTA weather

informations map city HIGHLANDSHIGHLANDS weather

informations map city HOLYROODHOLYROOD weather

informations map city JULIENJULIEN weather

informations map city LA-CAVERNELA-CAVERNE weather

informations map city LA-FLORALA-FLORA weather

informations map city LA-GAULETTELA-GAULETTE weather

informations map city LA-LOUISELA-LOUISE weather

informations map city LA-MARIELA-MARIE weather

informations map city LA-MIVOIELA-MIVOIE weather

informations map city LA-SOURCELA-SOURCE weather

informations map city LABOURDONNAISLABOURDONNAIS weather

informations map city LALMATIELALMATIE weather

informations map city L-AMITIEL-AMITIE weather

informations map city LAVENTURELAVENTURE weather

informations map city LE-HOCHETLE-HOCHET weather

informations map city LES-GUIBIESLES-GUIBIES weather

informations map city L-ESCALIERL-ESCALIER weather

informations map city L-ESPERANCEL-ESPERANCE weather

informations map city LONG-MOUNTAINLONG-MOUNTAIN weather

informations map city MAHEBOURGMAHEBOURG weather

informations map city MALHERBESMALHERBES weather

informations map city MAPOUMAPOU weather

informations map city MARE-D-ALBERTMARE-D-ALBERT weather

informations map city MARE-D-AUSTRALIAMARE-D-AUSTRALIA weather

informations map city MARE-LA-CHAUXMARE-LA-CHAUX weather

informations map city MARE-TABACMARE-TABAC weather

informations map city MEDINEMEDINE weather

informations map city MELROSEMELROSE weather

informations map city MESNILMESNIL weather

informations map city MIDLANDSMIDLANDS weather

informations map city MOKAMOKA weather

informations map city MON-CHOISYMON-CHOISY weather

informations map city MONT-BLANCMONT-BLANC weather

informations map city MONT-CHOISYMONT-CHOISY weather

informations map city MONT-IDAMONT-IDA weather

informations map city MONT-LUBINMONT-LUBIN weather

informations map city MONTAGNE-BLANCHEMONTAGNE-BLANCHE weather

informations map city MONTEBELLOMONTEBELLO weather


informations map city MOUNTMOUNT weather

informations map city NEW-GROVENEW-GROVE weather

informations map city NOTRE-DAMENOTRE-DAME weather

informations map city NOUVELLE-FRANCENOUVELLE-FRANCE weather

informations map city OLD-GRAND-PORTOLD-GRAND-PORT weather

informations map city OLIVIAOLIVIA weather

informations map city OYSTER-BAYOYSTER-BAY weather

informations map city PAILLESPAILLES weather

informations map city PALMAPALMA weather

informations map city PAMPLEMOUSSESPAMPLEMOUSSES weather


informations map city PEREYBEREPEREYBERE weather

informations map city PETIT-CAMPPETIT-CAMP weather

informations map city PETIT-RAFFRAYPETIT-RAFFRAY weather

informations map city PETIT-VERGERPETIT-VERGER weather

informations map city PETITE-JULIEPETITE-JULIE weather

informations map city PETITE-RIVIEREPETITE-RIVIERE weather


informations map city PHOENIXPHOENIX weather

informations map city PITONPITON weather

informations map city PLAINE-DES-PAPAYESPLAINE-DES-PAPAYES weather

informations map city PLAINE-MAGNIENPLAINE-MAGNIEN weather

informations map city PLAINE-VERTEPLAINE-VERTE weather

informations map city PLAINES-DES-PAPAYESPLAINES-DES-PAPAYES weather

informations map city PLAISANCEPLAISANCE weather



informations map city POINTE-AUX-ROCHESPOINTE-AUX-ROCHES weather

informations map city POINTE-AUX-SABLESPOINTE-AUX-SABLES weather

informations map city POINTE-D-ESNYPOINTE-D-ESNY weather

informations map city PONT-BLANCPONT-BLANC weather

informations map city PONT-COLVILLEPONT-COLVILLE weather

informations map city PONT-PRASLINPONT-PRASLIN weather

informations map city PORT-LOUISPORT-LOUIS weather

informations map city PORT-LOUIS-TOWNPORT-LOUIS-TOWN weather

informations map city PORT-MATHURINPORT-MATHURIN weather

informations map city POSTE-DE-FLACQPOSTE-DE-FLACQ weather

informations map city POUDRE-D-ORPOUDRE-D-OR weather

informations map city POUDRE-D-OR-HAMLETPOUDRE-D-OR-HAMLET weather

informations map city POUDRE-D-OR-VILLAGEPOUDRE-D-OR-VILLAGE weather

informations map city PROVIDENCEPROVIDENCE weather


informations map city QUATRE-BORNESQUATRE-BORNES weather

informations map city QUATRE-COCOSQUATRE-COCOS weather

informations map city QUATRE-SOEURSQUATRE-SOEURS weather

informations map city QUEEN-VICTORIAQUEEN-VICTORIA weather

informations map city QUINZE-CANTONSQUINZE-CANTONS weather

informations map city REDUITREDUIT weather

informations map city REUNIONREUNION weather

informations map city REUNION-MAURELREUNION-MAUREL weather

informations map city RIAMBELRIAMBEL weather

informations map city RIPAILLESRIPAILLES weather


informations map city RIVER-SIDERIVER-SIDE weather


informations map city RIVIERE-DU-POSTERIVIERE-DU-POSTE weather

informations map city RIVIERE-DU-REMPARTRIVIERE-DU-REMPART weather

informations map city RIVIERE-NOIRERIVIERE-NOIRE weather

informations map city RIVIERE-SECHERIVIERE-SECHE weather

informations map city ROCHE-BOISROCHE-BOIS weather

informations map city ROCHE-TERREROCHE-TERRE weather

informations map city ROCHES-BRUNESROCHES-BRUNES weather

informations map city ROCHES-NOIRESROCHES-NOIRES weather

informations map city ROSE-BELLEROSE-BELLE weather

informations map city ROSE-HILLROSE-HILL weather

informations map city SAINT-ANTOINESAINT-ANTOINE weather

informations map city SAINT-FELIXSAINT-FELIX weather

informations map city SAINT-FRANCOISSAINT-FRANCOIS weather

informations map city SAINT-HUBERTSAINT-HUBERT weather

informations map city SAINT-JEANSAINT-JEAN weather

informations map city SAINT-JULIENSAINT-JULIEN weather

informations map city SAINT-PAULSAINT-PAUL weather

informations map city SAINT-PIERRESAINT-PIERRE weather

informations map city SAINT-ANDRESAINT-ANDRE weather

informations map city SAINTE-CROIXSAINTE-CROIX weather

informations map city SAVANNAHSAVANNAH weather

informations map city SEBASTOPOLSEBASTOPOL weather

informations map city SOLFERINOSOLFERINO weather

informations map city SOUILLACSOUILLAC weather

informations map city STANLEYSTANLEY weather

informations map city SURINAMSURINAM weather

informations map city TAMARINTAMARIN weather

informations map city TELFAIRTELFAIR weather

informations map city TERRE-ROUGETERRE-ROUGE weather

informations map city THE-MOUNTTHE-MOUNT weather

informations map city THE-VALETHE-VALE weather

informations map city TREFLESTREFLES weather

informations map city TRIANONTRIANON weather

informations map city TRIOLETTRIOLET weather

informations map city TROIS-BOUTIQUESTROIS-BOUTIQUES weather

informations map city TROU-AUX-BICHESTROU-AUX-BICHES weather

informations map city TROU-D-EAU-DOUCETROU-D-EAU-DOUCE weather

informations map city TYACKTYACK weather

informations map city UNION-FLACQUNION-FLACQ weather

informations map city UNION-PARKUNION-PARK weather

informations map city UNION-VALEUNION-VALE weather

informations map city UNITEUNITE weather

informations map city VACOAVACOA weather

informations map city VACOASVACOAS weather

informations map city VALENTINAVALENTINA weather

informations map city VALETTAVALETTA weather

informations map city VALLEE-DES-PRETRESVALLEE-DES-PRETRES weather

informations map city VALLEE-PITOTVALLEE-PITOT weather

informations map city VERDUNVERDUN weather

informations map city VIEUX-GRAND-PORTVIEUX-GRAND-PORT weather

informations map city VUILLEMINVUILLEMIN weather

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