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home > macao

macao informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities macao informations map weather road map

macao flag

country macao flag
macao flag

informations about macao

macao capital : macao
macao languages : chinese , portuguese
macao currency : pataca MOP

macao area : 29 km2
macao population : 553 000

macao iso code alpha 2 : MO
macao iso code alpha 3 : MAC

how to call macao

call to macao with the international phone country code 853

macao map

country macao map

macao cities

country macao cities

informations map city AO-MENAO-MEN weather

informations map city CHEOC-CA-CHUNCHEOC-CA-CHUN weather

informations map city CIDADE-DE-MACAUCIDADE-DE-MACAU weather

informations map city COLOANECOLOANE weather

informations map city HAC-SAHAC-SA weather

informations map city LAI-CHI-VANLAI-CHI-VAN weather

informations map city LIN-CHIA-TS-UNLIN-CHIA-TS-UN weather

informations map city MACAUMACAU weather

informations map city TAIPATAIPA weather

home > macao


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