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home > libya

libya informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities libya informations map weather road map

libya flag

country libya flag
libya flag

informations about libya

libya capital : tripoli
libya languages : arabic
libya currency : libyan dinar LYD

libya area : 1 759 540 km2
libya population : 6 244 000

libya iso code alpha 2 : LY
libya iso code alpha 3 : LBY

how to call libya

call to libya with the international phone country code 218

libya map

country libya map

libya cities

country libya cities

informations map city ABU-ISAABU-ISA weather

informations map city AD-DAFINIYAHAD-DAFINIYAH weather

informations map city AL-ABYARAL-ABYAR weather

informations map city AL-KARARIMAL-KARARIM weather

informations map city AL-KHUMSAL-KHUMS weather

informations map city AL-MAYAHAL-MAYAH weather

informations map city AMBAYYAHAMBAYYAH weather

informations map city AZ-ZUWAYTINAHAZ-ZUWAYTINAH weather

informations map city BAIDABAIDA weather

informations map city BANGHAZIBANGHAZI weather

informations map city BAYDABAYDA weather

informations map city BENGAZIBENGAZI weather

informations map city BENGHAZIBENGHAZI weather

informations map city BINGHAZIBINGHAZI weather

informations map city DARNAHDARNAH weather

informations map city DERNADERNA weather

informations map city GHARYANGHARYAN weather

informations map city JANZURJANZUR weather

informations map city MISRATAHMISRATAH weather

informations map city MISURATAMISURATA weather

informations map city SABHASABHA weather

informations map city SABRATAHSABRATAH weather

informations map city SABRATHASABRATHA weather

informations map city SAYYADSAYYAD weather

informations map city SEBHASEBHA weather

informations map city SERTSERT weather

informations map city SURMANSURMAN weather

informations map city SURTSURT weather

informations map city TAJURAHTAJURAH weather

informations map city TARHUNATARHUNA weather

informations map city TOBRUKTOBRUK weather

informations map city TRIPOLITRIPOLI weather

informations map city TUBRUQTUBRUQ weather

informations map city WADDANWADDAN weather

informations map city ZAWIAZAWIA weather

informations map city ZLITANZLITAN weather

informations map city ZLITENZLITEN weather

informations map city ZUWARAHZUWARAH weather

home > libya


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