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home > kyrgyzstan

kyrgyzstan informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities kyrgyzstan informations map weather road map

kyrgyzstan flag

country kyrgyzstan flag
kyrgyzstan flag

informations about kyrgyzstan

kyrgyzstan capital : bishkek
kyrgyzstan languages : kyrgyz , russian
kyrgyzstan currency : som KGS

kyrgyzstan area : 198 500 km2
kyrgyzstan population : 5 497 000

kyrgyzstan iso code alpha 2 : KG
kyrgyzstan iso code alpha 3 : KGZ

how to call kyrgyzstan

call to kyrgyzstan with the international phone country code 996

kyrgyzstan map

country kyrgyzstan map

kyrgyzstan cities

country kyrgyzstan cities

informations map city ALAMEDINALAMEDIN weather

informations map city ALGAALGA weather

informations map city ARAVANARAVAN weather

informations map city AT-BASHIAT-BASHI weather

informations map city BAETOVBAETOV weather

informations map city BALYKCHYBALYKCHY weather

informations map city BATKENBATKEN weather

informations map city BESHKARAMBESHKARAM weather

informations map city BISHKEKBISHKEK weather

informations map city BOSTERIBOSTERI weather

informations map city CHALDOVARCHALDOVAR weather

informations map city CHOK-TALCHOK-TAL weather

informations map city CHOLPON-ATACHOLPON-ATA weather

informations map city CHUYCHUY weather

informations map city DOSTUKDOSTUK weather

informations map city ISFANAISFANA weather

informations map city IVANOVKAIVANOVKA weather

informations map city JALAL-ABADJALAL-ABAD weather

informations map city KADAMJAYKADAMJAY weather

informations map city KAINDAKAINDA weather

informations map city KANTKANT weather

informations map city KARA-BALTAKARA-BALTA weather

informations map city KARAKOLKARAKOL weather

informations map city KARA-SUUKARA-SUU weather

informations map city KAZARMANKAZARMAN weather

informations map city KEMINKEMIN weather

informations map city KERBENKERBEN weather

informations map city KOCHKOR-ATAKOCHKOR-ATA weather

informations map city LEBEDINOVKALEBEDINOVKA weather

informations map city MAEVKAMAEVKA weather

informations map city NARYNNARYN weather

informations map city NOVOPAVLOVKANOVOPAVLOVKA weather

informations map city NOVOPOKROVKANOVOPOKROVKA weather

informations map city ORLOVKAORLOVKA weather

informations map city OSHOSH weather

informations map city PETROVKAPETROVKA weather

informations map city POKROVKAPOKROVKA weather

informations map city PRIGORODNOYEPRIGORODNOYE weather

informations map city SAYDI-KUMSAYDI-KUM weather

informations map city SHOPOKOVSHOPOKOV weather

informations map city SHOROSHORO weather

informations map city SOKULUKSOKULUK weather

informations map city SRETENKASRETENKA weather

informations map city TALASTALAS weather

informations map city TOKMAKTOKMAK weather

informations map city TOKMOKTOKMOK weather

informations map city TOKOL-DOSHTOKOL-DOSH weather

informations map city UZGENUZGEN weather

informations map city VORONTSOVSKOYEVORONTSOVSKOYE weather

informations map city VOSTOKVOSTOK weather

home > kyrgyzstan


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