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countries cities

home > iceland

iceland informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities iceland informations map weather road map

iceland flag

country iceland flag
iceland flag

informations about iceland

iceland capital : reykjavik
iceland languages : icelandic
iceland currency : icelandic krona ISK

iceland area : 103 125 km2
iceland population : 329 000

iceland iso code alpha 2 : IS
iceland iso code alpha 3 : ISL

how to call iceland

call to iceland with the international phone country code 354

iceland map

country iceland map

iceland cities

country iceland cities

informations map city AKRANESAKRANES weather

informations map city AKRARAKRAR weather

informations map city AKUREYRIAKUREYRI weather

informations map city ALAFOSSALAFOSS weather

informations map city ALFTANESALFTANES weather

informations map city ASAS weather

informations map city ASHVERFIASHVERFI weather

informations map city BILDUDALURBILDUDALUR weather

informations map city BLONDUOSBLONDUOS weather

informations map city BOLUNGARVIKBOLUNGARVIK weather

informations map city BORGBORG weather

informations map city BORGARNESBORGARNES weather

informations map city BRAUTARHOLTBRAUTARHOLT weather

informations map city BREIDDALSVIKBREIDDALSVIK weather

informations map city BREKKABREKKA weather

informations map city BUDARDALURBUDARDALUR weather

informations map city BURFELLBURFELL weather

informations map city DALVIKDALVIK weather

informations map city DJUPIVOGURDJUPIVOGUR weather

informations map city DRAFLASTADIRDRAFLASTADIR weather

informations map city DRANGSNESDRANGSNES weather

informations map city EGILSSTADIREGILSSTADIR weather

informations map city ESKIFJORDURESKIFJORDUR weather

informations map city EYRARBAKKIEYRARBAKKI weather

informations map city EYRIEYRI weather

informations map city FASKRUDSFJORDURFASKRUDSFJORDUR weather

informations map city FLATEYRIFLATEYRI weather

informations map city GARDURGARDUR weather

informations map city GRENIVIKGRENIVIK weather

informations map city GRINDAVIKGRINDAVIK weather

informations map city HAFNARFJORDURHAFNARFJORDUR weather

informations map city HAFNIRHAFNIR weather

informations map city HALSHALS weather

informations map city HELLAHELLA weather

informations map city HELLISSANDURHELLISSANDUR weather

informations map city HJALEYRIHJALEYRI weather

informations map city HNIFSDALURHNIFSDALUR weather

informations map city HOFNHOFN weather

informations map city HOFSOSHOFSOS weather

informations map city HOLARHOLAR weather

informations map city HOLMAVIKHOLMAVIK weather

informations map city HUSAVIKHUSAVIK weather

informations map city HVAMMSTANGIHVAMMSTANGI weather

informations map city HVANNEYRIHVANNEYRI weather

informations map city HVERAGERDIHVERAGERDI weather

informations map city HVOLSVOLLURHVOLSVOLLUR weather

informations map city INNRIHOLMURINNRIHOLMUR weather

informations map city ISAFJORDURISAFJORDUR weather

informations map city KALFAJORNKALFAJORN weather

informations map city KEFLAVIKKEFLAVIK weather

informations map city KJOSKJOS weather

informations map city KOPASKERKOPASKER weather

informations map city KOPAVOGURKOPAVOGUR weather

informations map city KOTSTRONDKOTSTROND weather

informations map city LAMBASTADIRLAMBASTADIR weather

informations map city LAUGARVATNLAUGARVATN weather

informations map city LEIRALEIRA weather

informations map city MOSFELLMOSFELL weather

informations map city MULIMULI weather

informations map city NESKAUPSTADURNESKAUPSTADUR weather

informations map city NJARDVIKNJARDVIK weather

informations map city ODDIODDI weather

informations map city OLAFSFJORDUROLAFSFJORDUR weather

informations map city OLAFSVIKOLAFSVIK weather

informations map city PATREKSFJORDURPATREKSFJORDUR weather

informations map city PINGEYRIPINGEYRI weather

informations map city RAUFARHOFNRAUFARHOFN weather

informations map city REYDARFJORDURREYDARFJORDUR weather

informations map city REYKHOLARREYKHOLAR weather

informations map city REYKHOLTREYKHOLT weather

informations map city REYKIRREYKIR weather

informations map city REYKJAVIKREYKJAVIK weather

informations map city REYNIVELLIRREYNIVELLIR weather

informations map city SANDGERDISANDGERDI weather

informations map city SAUDARKROKURSAUDARKROKUR weather

informations map city SELFOSSSELFOSS weather

informations map city SEYDISFJORDURSEYDISFJORDUR weather

informations map city SIGLUFJORDURSIGLUFJORDUR weather

informations map city SKAGASTRONDSKAGASTROND weather

informations map city SKALHOLTSKALHOLT weather

informations map city STODVARFJORDURSTODVARFJORDUR weather

informations map city STOKKSEYRISTOKKSEYRI weather

informations map city STORA-VATNSLEYSASTORA-VATNSLEYSA weather

informations map city STYKKISHOLMURSTYKKISHOLMUR weather

informations map city SUDAVIKSUDAVIK weather

informations map city SUDUREYRISUDUREYRI weather

informations map city VALLANESVALLANES weather

informations map city VESTMANNAEYJARVESTMANNAEYJAR weather

informations map city VIKVIK weather

informations map city VOGARVOGAR weather

informations map city VOPNAFJORDURVOPNAFJORDUR weather

home > iceland


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