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OEKENE belgium map informations about the city countries cities
countries cities OEKENE belgium map informations about the city
informations about city OEKENE belgium
OEKENE country belgium latitude is 50.9167
OEKENE country belgium longitude is 3.1667
map OEKENE belgium
OEKENE map country belgium
road map city OEKENE belgium
road map city
OEKENE belgium
road map OEKENEweather city OEKENE belgium
weather forecast city
OEKENE belgium
weather OEKENEhow to call belgium
call to belgium with the international belgium country phone code 32
country belgium flag
informations about belgium
belgium capital : brussels
belgium languages : dutch , french , german
belgium currency : euro EUR
belgium area : 30 528 km2
belgium population : 11 240 000
belgium iso code alpha 2 : BE
belgium iso code alpha 3 : BEL
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belgium > OEKENE