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home > burkina faso

burkina faso informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities burkina faso informations map weather road map

burkina faso flag

country burkina faso flag
burkina faso flag

informations about burkina faso

burkina faso capital : ouagadougou
burkina faso languages : french , moore , mandinka , bambara
burkina faso currency : west african CFA franc XOF

burkina faso area : 274 200 km2
burkina faso population : 18 365 000

burkina faso iso code alpha 2 : BF
burkina faso iso code alpha 3 : BFA

how to call burkina faso

call to burkina faso with the international phone country code 226

burkina faso map

country burkina faso map

burkina faso cities

country burkina faso cities

informations map city BANFORABANFORA weather

informations map city BOBO-DIOULASSOBOBO-DIOULASSO weather

informations map city DEDOUGOUDEDOUGOU weather

informations map city DORIDORI weather

informations map city FADA-N-GOURMAFADA-N-GOURMA weather

informations map city KALSEKALSE weather

informations map city KOUDOUGOUKOUDOUGOU weather

informations map city KOUPELAKOUPELA weather

informations map city NANORONANORO weather

informations map city OUAGADOUGAOUAGADOUGA weather

informations map city OUAGADOUGOUOUAGADOUGOU weather

informations map city OUAHIGOUYAOUAHIGOUYA weather

informations map city POUYTENGAPOUYTENGA weather

informations map city TENKODOGOTENKODOGO weather

informations map city TOUGANTOUGAN weather

informations map city TOUNOUMATOUNOUMA weather

informations map city VIVI weather

informations map city YAKOYAKO weather

informations map city ZINIAREZINIARE weather

informations map city ZORGOZORGO weather

home > burkina faso


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