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home > botswana

botswana informations map weather road map countries cities

countries cities botswana informations map weather road map

botswana flag

country botswana flag
botswana flag

informations about botswana

botswana capital : gaborone
botswana languages : english , setswana
botswana currency : pula BWP

botswana area : 581 730 km2
botswana population : 2 100 000

botswana iso code alpha 2 : BW
botswana iso code alpha 3 : BWA

how to call botswana

call to botswana with the international phone country code 267

botswana map

country botswana map

botswana cities

country botswana cities

informations map city BOKAABOKAA weather

informations map city BONTLENGBONTLENG weather

informations map city BROADHURSTBROADHURST weather

informations map city FRANCISTOWNFRANCISTOWN weather

informations map city GABANEGABANE weather

informations map city GABERONESGABERONES weather

informations map city GABORONEGABORONE weather

informations map city GHANZIGHANZI weather

informations map city GWETAGWETA weather

informations map city KANYEKANYE weather

informations map city KASANEKASANE weather

informations map city LEFTKALEFTKA weather

informations map city LETLHAKANELETLHAKANE weather

informations map city LOBATSELOBATSE weather

informations map city LOKERANELOKERANE weather

informations map city MAHALAPYEMAHALAPYE weather

informations map city MASUNGAMASUNGA weather

informations map city MAUNMAUN weather

informations map city MMADINAREMMADINARE weather

informations map city MMATHUBUDUKWANEMMATHUBUDUKWANE weather

informations map city MOCHUDIMOCHUDI weather

informations map city MOGODITSHANEMOGODITSHANE weather

informations map city MOLEPOLOLEMOLEPOLOLE weather

informations map city MOSHUPAMOSHUPA weather

informations map city MUMUNGWEMUMUNGWE weather

informations map city ORAPAORAPA weather

informations map city OTSEOTSE weather

informations map city PALAPYEPALAPYE weather

informations map city PHIKWEPHIKWE weather

informations map city RAMOTSWARAMOTSWA weather

informations map city SEFOPHESEFOPHE weather

informations map city SELEBISELEBI weather

informations map city SELIBE-PHIKWESELIBE-PHIKWE weather

informations map city SEROWESEROWE weather

informations map city SHAKAWESHAKAWE weather

informations map city THAMAGATHAMAGA weather

informations map city TLOKWENGTLOKWENG weather

informations map city TONOTATONOTA weather

home > botswana


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